I’ve had my eyes out for a Prada Marfa print for my home ever since I saw the sign in Lily Van der Woodsen’s home in Gossip Girl.  Some of you may have seen a peek of this print on instagram, and I’m excited to share more details with you!  I love the simplicity and style…and to the rescue came DbyNbuzz!  This print is exactly what I was looking for and with a simple white Ikea Ribba frame, she’s a beauty.

I knew exactly where this print would go – on the empty wall space beside my hanging rack (on sale!) in the bedroom.

A big thank you to the talented DbyNbuzz Etsy Shop for this fabulous print that instantly made my bedroom a little bit fancier.  I’m in love!

I was a little worried it might be too girly for Christian, but believe it or not, he actually likes this print because it reminds him of this SNL skit that we love.

Marfa reminds him of “Amorfa.”  So every time he looks at this sign he looks at me and says, “Amorfa.”  I then usually say, “latte for Shar Shar.”

I laugh pretty much every time:

For anyone wondering, I have the largest size, the 14.5 x 22.  Thanks for reading! XO –

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7 thoughts on “Prada Marfa Print

  1. hahahaha! Had totally forgotten about that AWESOME SNL skit. “uuuuuuuhhhhhhh ok….hold up” and “she said WHAT???” Love this and plan on watching it once a day for the entire month. Thanks!

    1. Gossip Girl…it’s EPIC! Of course I’m going to copy Lily because she’s the ultimate!! So glad you agree! 🙂

    1. So I was actually clued into this today – that is so sad I hope they don’t!! Thanks for sharing!! XO –

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