Here are some of my most commonly asked questions from you guys! I also answered some questions in a video format here, and I post monthly Q&A’s in the personal category of this blog.  If there’s something I’m missing – shoot me an email!

What lipstick are you wearing?

I try to link my lipstick when I know what shade I’m wearing… but I must confess I have around 1983473487 lipsticks and usually am wearing a combination of about… 4 different colors. I’m sorry in advance!

What self-tanner do you use?

Disclaimer: my mom is Lebanese so my olive skin comes from her BUT I dedicated an entire post to this topic here!

Where are your necklaces from? 

Check out this post!

What paint color is the exterior of your home?

Benjamin Moore’s White Dove.

Do you have a guide to LA, Orange County, Napa/Sonoma or San Francisco?

I lived in Orange County for five years and have a Guide to OC which you can find here in the Travel Category along with my other travel guides!

I never actually lived in LA but with my brother’s help (he lived there for four years), I put one together here!

I loooove a visit to wine country, and have documented my trips and what I’ve done there here, here and here.

I just moved to SF, so I won’t have a guide for a while but you might find this article or this guide helpful.  I’ve been saving my favorite places I’ve tried under the saved stories titled “SF Guide” on Instagram!

Where did you go to college? What did you study?

I went to the University of Mississippi, also known as “Ole Miss.”

I majored in Marketing & Communications with a minor in Broadcast Journalism and emphasis in Public Relations.  I graduated from the Business School.

What part of Mississippi are you from?


Why did you start a blog?  What does “Carrie Bradshaw Lied” mean?

I’ve always enjoyed fashion. I was so often asked about my clothing and personal style, so a year after I graduated college I thought, “why not start a blog and share any tricks up my sleeve with anyone who is interested to read?”  I am constantly inspired by other bloggers, so I decided to start my own.

CBL came from my obvious love and affection for the always fabulous Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City. As the girl who has seen every episode 3x, I naively entered the working world thinking it would be even a fraction of the effortless fun and fabulous life that Carrie led. Quickly after entering the working world, I was sadly mistaken.  Carrie Bradshaw Lied.

Any tips for new bloggers?

I started this blog in 2010 and it has had a lot of redesigns and shifts in focus since it began. It took me a little while to find a middle ground that I was comfortable with and proud of. Look at the blogs you enjoy and follow and think about why you like them. Be original.  Be honest.  Be yourself.  Don’t get discouraged or distracted by any negativity or criticism from others. It takes confidence and courage to put yourself out there, so bravo to you!

I actually get this question so often that I dedicated an entire post to my advice for new bloggers.  You can read it here.  I also shared a Q&A on how I turned blogging into a full-time career here, and had a career profile Q&A feature on The Everygirl here.  If you’re into podcasts, I was on The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon about growing a blog as well as the podcast about taking the leap from corporate world to full-time blogging – you can listen here!

Who is C?

My husband, Christian!

Why do you call him Barnez?

Our last name is Barnes, and frequently if we put our name down for a reservation or someone who can’t see us pronounces the name they’ll pronounce it as “Barnez.” I love it and to think of my very tall, thin Caucasian husband being called Christian Barnez makes me laugh every time.

Christian says I wish my last name was Barnez because it makes me sound interesting and exotic. This… is true. So Imma call myself Kathleen Barnez.

How did you meet him?  

I met him in college through mutual friends.  We dated other people until sophomore year I suddenly realized, “this boy is cute, nice, tall and smart.  I want him to be my boyfriend.” After chasing him around all spring, inviting him over to do my algebra homework and pretending that I liked camping, I snagged him!  We’ve been together ever since.

Also, I do not like the camping.

What residency/fellowship is he in?

He graduated in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (also known as ENT) from the University of California.  He then finished his Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship at a private practice in San Francisco (shared here). In July of 2019 we relocated to Georgia, and he will begin his career in Facial Plastics in September.

What’s it like being married to a medical student/resident/fellow? Do you have any tips?

After getting this question so often, I finally shared a full tip on being married to someone who works long hours here. I don’t know if it’s groundbreaking advice… but I did my best!

What is your skincare routine?  

Sadly, I have no super secrets to share — I just thank my parents for lucky genes!

I love using Purpose soap or Tula Face Cleanser, any rich moisturizer (Eterna 27 moisturizer is great for evening), face serums, masks once a week or so, eye gels, facial oils and my Clarisonic. You can also see some of my skincare favorites here.

For skincare-related posts, just search “skincare” or click the “beauty” category of this site!

What is your fitness routine?  

I’ve always played sports and been active, but I recently traded the treadmill/elliptical for the pilates reformer machine and it has changed my life!

I have always loved exercise classes, specifically mat pilates, but reformer pilates is a whole new game and has lengthened my figure and helped me to feel leaner and stronger.  I would highly recommend it to anyone, specifically anyone with back or joint sensitivities like myself (thank you six years of cheerleading).  Currently I take Pilates Plus classes which are a little more intense than classic reformer Pilates.

You can see all fitness-related posts on CBL when you search “fitness.”  I also shared a full blog post on my favorite at-home workouts here, and a full Q&A on my newest addition, the Mirror, here.

How tall are you? 

I am 5’7″.

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