rocker glider

– the sweetest piece of mini bunny art for Theo from my aunt and godfather –

sezane white collared shirt

– a super sweet surprise from Sézane

eldridge stationers

– needing to get started on thank you notes c/o Eldridge Stationers

blue elephant stuffed animal

– a sweet little elephant for Theo from his aunt –

dockatot busy bee

– baby naps in the most beautiful dockatot lounger

I’m still on maternity leave through April, but I think it is second nature for me to be working a little bit, right? I plan on sharing some wish lists and photos of what’s going on around here. I still need to write and share Theo’s birth story, but in the meantime, I wanted to share a few sweet things around the house lately.

This has been my second week on my own with both boys. Other than one rocky morning with Hudson, it has gone more smoothly than I expected. Truthfully, while challenging, it’s been nice to work on finding my rhythm as a mom of two. Christian has been pretty busy at work with additional meetings, appointments, etc., so it’s been a test of my mom skills for sure. But so far I would say the adjustment from 0 to 1 felt harder than 1 to 2 does. I already own all the “stuff,” I feel more relaxed and confident in caring for Theo and I am already adjusted to the lifestyle of having small kids. So it’s not as jarring as becoming a parent for the first time felt. It’s been a pleasant surprise! Alas, all more manageable because of the time I’m taking off of collaborations/partnerships, but still. Small victories are worth celebrating, especially in the fourth trimester.

I have been catching up on all things TV and podcasts during the middle-of-the-night feeds, and I just finished Amy Schumer’s Life & Beth + Only Murders in the Building. I loved both and would recommend both! Christian and I have some movie watching to catch up on that I hope we can do this weekend over some Mexican Train Dominoes. I really want to watch King Richard, Windfall, The Bubble and Deep Water. I have watched CODA and Deep Water recently and CODA was amazing. Deep Water was bizarre but entertaining. Has anyone seen those?

Last but not least, you might notice we have a fresh new website design and layout! The site was down longer than I expected as we worked on transitioning everything over, but I’m going to work on a blog post to share some of the new features on the site. After having the same design since 2017, it felt time for a little freshening up. I love the mature and sleek layout, and I hope you guys will love it too.

Thank you so much for reading – XO –

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2 thoughts on “Friday’s Five | Sweet Things

  1. I don’t have two kids but going from 0 to 1 was definitely a transition. I can’t wait to read your birth story and I have never heard of Mexican Train Dominoes! I will need to check it out – sounds fun!

    Maureen |

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