I recently had a conversation with my mom and I told her what the three best things that have happened to me in the past three years were. It really got me thinking about the important moments that have really shaped the past few years of my life.
I share a good bit of my personal life on CBL and y’all might find my three moments predictable, but I still wanted to share in hopes you would share some moments that have shaped your life recently. Getting to know those of you who regularly check into this site is such a treat for me and I truly love hearing more about each of you. With that said, my top three life-changing moments of the past three years have been:
1) Marrying my college sweetheart and best friend. We’ve been together for seven years now and it’s been so amazing to watch God work in our marriage and challenge us while bringing us closer as a team. It’s been an eye-opening experience moving across the country from all of our friends and most of our family (my brother and his family are in San Francisco…but they move to LA in a month!). We truly have to rely on each other for everything.I’ve loved every minute of being his wife.You can see more of our wedding here and here.
2) Having too many margaritas with my girlfriend and rescuing Lula LaShonda from the parking lot. Y’all know how much I love this cat. I’ve never had an indoor cat and am actually allergic, but Lula has been such a blessing to me. She is so affectionate and loyal. Now that she has only three legs (more on that here), she has even more of a special place in my heart if that’s even possible! Thank you those who have continued to ask about her. Her wound has healed well and now we’re just working on growing the hair back so she can be 100% back to her fabulous self!
Our next oncology appointment is May 5th where we will x-ray her lungs again to make sure the cancer from her tumor didn’t spread. Since she was rescued from the Cinco de Mayo Mexican restaurant parking lot, I think this is good luck! Any prayers for a cancer-free Lu would be appreciated!
3) Starting my marriage in California with the person who brings out my most adventurous self. Christian is the dreamer and I am the realist. However Christian is so easily content (read: low-maintenance) and laid back that he is often ok with dreaming about the possibilities rather than going out and making them happen. I’m not as adventurous as he is, but I have always been comfortable putting myself out there (evidence here of my 18-year-old self in a swimsuit on NBC when I competed in Miss Teen USA…you couldn’t pay me to do that today – I heart coverups) and I have encouraged him to follow through with his dreams.
Together we’ve become this little team, working proactively as one to make our dreams and adventures happen. It’s been essential in our ability to live in California and embrace all of the changes that have occurred in our lives in the past year.Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had a lot of fun but we’ve also had our fair share of challenges. I have a 10-month old nephew we’ve still yet to meet and that kills me, but thankfully my sister is so supportive and it only makes me miss her and her family more!
What are the three best things that have happened in your life in the past three years? I want to hear! Thanks so much for reading and for all of your kind words and support. I truly love this little blog’s community and humbly thank y’all for your advice, wisdom and inspiration. XO –
That’s a beautiful post Kat…my favorite so far !
If you and Christian have learned to support each other’s hopes and dreams unconditionally in your first 18 months of life together, you are way ahead of the game !!!
My THREE favorite things in the last year :
1. watching two sons begin their married lives with two spectacular women
2. raising a litter of 10 healthy, extraordinary German Shepherd puppies
3. having your mom here in the Tar Heel State and the news she shared that made her light as a feather : )
Keep up the good work !
xoxo lea
I love this. Thank you so much for sharing, Lea! Love your boys and extra love that all those puppies made your top three!! XOXO
First, the very best wishes to Lula for her checkup – you go, little fur gurl! Best health furever!
Best things: 1) starting to paint again 2) taking a road trip w/ my husband and 3 dogs (SO fun!) and 3) becoming more peaceful
Love your three things! Truly, those are such wonderful accomplishments – want to learn to be more peaceful. Thank you for th inspiration!! XOXO
How beautiful!!! You two seem just perfect for each other!!! It’s really wonderful being such a young couple that you guys work together. The love and support definitely shows!!!! Wishing you two all the happy years you deserve & desire!!!
Enjoy your blessings!!!
You’re the absolute kindest. But what are YOUR three things Candy!? I know your beautiful engagement has to be one! XOXO
Lovely three! My three mirror your own: 1. Getting married to my soulmate and best friend in 2011 (celebrating our 3 year anny in june 7.5 years together total!) 2. Moving from MS to Seattle, WA and learning to depend on each other and create a life all our own. 3. Finding jobs that we adore and excel in which have helped us be able to plan for our futures and what we ultimatly plan on doing in the next 2 years. Being completely independant from our families is by far the most rewarding expierence and really — every moment of the last three years. I love this ride.
LOVE that. It is so rewarding. I love hearing everyone’s blessings – so inspiring!! XO
Oh, this just made my heart happy! I love this. The happiness just exudes from you! Love looks good on you, girlfriend.
Let’s see…it’s so hard to pick only three things! I’d say 1) getting to move back to Oxford and start my job in L&D, 2) getting engaged (and then our wonderful wedding!) to my sweet husband, and 3) being there for the birth of my niece…so many blessings! God is good.
You are the SWEETEST!! I’m jealz of your life in Oxford. You have a great top 3!! Thanks so much for sharing XO
This is so amazing and so so sweet!! I love that your other half brings out the adventurous side of you! I’d have to say 1. marrying my best friend and soul mate last year 2. planning said wedding for a year 3. starting my blog late last year – it was a dream I had for over 2 years so I’m happy that I finally made it happy! And if I could add one more in…the birth of my youngest niece and seeing her the day she was born…so my love that day!!
I love all four. And I’m really impressed you enjoyed planning your wedding that much.
Truly impressed.
Planning our wedding might fall under my three WORST experiences in the past three years. Kudos to you!! XO
Love your blog and also do think you are amazingly beautiful. This post is so sweet and gave me back a little piece of faith in love…
3 Bests of the best: 1) Got my dream-job at a marketleader sportlifestyle company 2) starting up my blog and have been blogging for 1,5 years now 3) got a higher position and moved to Germany 2 month ago. Kisses XxX
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means so much, especially coming from such a strong and ambitious woman like yourself. BRAVO to you for chasing your dreams and finding true success. XO
Love these Kathleen!!! My three are probably… (1) learning to simplify my life so what is in my life is super meaningful, (2) adopting a new rescue pup that my husband and I adore! (ADORE, I tell ya!) and (3) taking our dream trip to Europe 2 summers ago! It was perfect!
Love everything about this, especially #1. I think we can all learn from that. Thank you so much for sharing!! XOXO
What a beautiful post! So inspirational. I guess the best three things to have happened to me in the past three years would be getting into University for Architecture, meeting my best friend who I can say without a doubt has my back 100% with whatever problem I might be having. Plus, I can come to her for anything, like how much of a struggle uni work is to confessing how much I have a crush on a guy. The last thing would have the be seeing how much I’ve grown in the last three years compared to where I was and finally being proud of the journey of the last three years. Pretty corny but true.
WOW. YOU are inspirational! Thank you so much for sharing – I am so moved reading the blessings in all of y’alls lives. Truly touching!
This is a beautiful post! I did more or less guess what you’d say, but I think that just means you’ve stayed true to your life here on this bloggy blog!
This is one of my favourite posts. The three things for me would be my current job as I really like my job, just having our beautiful border collie/rottewiler mix Roxy in our lives – she is about to turn 2, and finally finding out a reason our IVF is not working and finally having the meds to hopefully make it work in 3 weeks time
Thank you so much for your honesty and for sharing. My heart goes to you during this journey. Do you read Walking in Memphis in High Heels by chance? She recently shared her IVF journey and it was so moving to read. Lots of love to you and yours!
Thanks Kathleen – I havent read that blog but I will have a look. I have read so many different blogs & forums on this almost 4 year journey and it is sometimes hard to read when things happen so easily for some. We are 11 cycles & 2 miscarriages into our IVF journey and discovering that I have NK Cells has been a relief but finding the right treatment has been a journey in itself as well.
You are so honest and raw, my heart goes out to you. I know you have learned so much about yourself and your significant other in this journey and I hope it has only bonded you closer to each other. Your patience and persistence shows what a fantastic mother you WILL be. My love to you and yours – XO
I love the idea of the 3 best things in the past 3 years. And I loved reading yours. I think mine would be 1-running my first marathon (it showed me that I am capable of doing whatever I put my mind to and work towards 2-moving back home to SLC from NYC (in the moment, I would’ve told you that it was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it has been so so wonderful being back home and being close to my family) and 3-meeting and dating my boyfriend Jeremy (I didn’t think that men like him even existed, he’s such a wonderful, sweet, kind, compassionate caring person, and I”m so lucky to have him in my life!)
beautiful photos! your cat is adorable.