– a short visit to Oxford, Mississippi for the burial of our sweet Edie’s ashes –
– a walk around the Square with my Dad –
– and back home after several weeks of travel –
– gearing up for a long weekend at home with my guy (and a binge-sesh of The Night Of) –
– catching up on work and treating myself to happy hour for one –
Reunited and it feels so good! I’ve been home all week and have a few more days before I head to New York. It’s been so wonderful to be back in my space and routine. I always feel like my best self when I’m home – it’s the control-freak in me, I confess.
Christian is on call this weekend, but now that he is senior call I can tell a big difference. In years past, “on call” meant Christian’s pager was going off constantly and he would be in and out all 24-hours of the day. Lately it’s meant a few calls here and there, but rarely something that takes him away all day. This is a huge milestone (or at least I think so)! We won’t be going far from the house this weekend so that he can stay close to the hospital, but after traveling so much, I have no complaints.
AND, some exciting news – Morning Lavender is having a summer sale and several of the pieces from the CBL for ML collection are marked down up to 50% off with code Summer2016! Cute cute cuuuuttteee – if you’re looking for any off the shoulder pretty things, they have you set!
What do you guys have planned this weekend? If you’re laying low like me, I recommend The Night Of on HBO. It’s like Serial-podcast-turned-TV-show. Amazingness! Thanks so much for reading – XO –
Have a great weekend home!
xx Tess | Sequins are the New Black
Being home is really the best feeling, looks like you truly enjoyed it
My husband is doing his Head and Neck fellowship now and those call weeks get better and better, I promise. Hang in there! ?
Oxford is the best! Getting married there in June at Woodson Ridge. Hotty Toddy! xo- Ally
I feel like I haven’t commented in so long! Love your coral dress from yesterday.. Absolutely gorgeous!
This weekend we are going to drive up to Sedona, AZ (live in Scottsdale). Have you ever been? It’s so incredibly gorgeous and they have fun shops and art galleries to look at… excited for that!
Enjoy your weekend! <333
I am dying to go to Sedona! It’s on my bucket list – it looks SO gorgeous!
I love this week’s Friday’s Five, and I’m super excited for Morning Lavender’s sale!
Glad you got to have some family time this week! I currently live in Nashville and my parents and sisters are in San Antonio, Texas, so I know how special and rare it is to have time all together!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Aw I love that! But how fun to be in Nashville – I can’t believe how fast Nash is growing!
At the recommendation of our oldest son, we started The Night Of and are hooked!!! So intense.
YES!! It’s so addicting!
Morning Lavender looks like a fabulous site, I cannot wait to check it out.
Friday’s Five is refreshing at it’s simplicity