I am a HUGE podcast-lover, and I get so many questions from you guys about my favorites that last year I shared this post rounding up some of CBL’s fave listens of 2016.
Since then, I’ve discovered even more gems! So I wanted to round up another post including new finds. I still love the original ones I shared last year, these are just some new additions worth sharing.
Watch What Happens Live – Obviously, when this became a podcast it was like the best thing that ever happened to me. I no longer watch the show as much and just listen while I’m cooking, driving or cleaning.
Watch What Crappens – The parody podcast that reenacts and makes fun of all things Bravo! related. Ben and Ronnie are a RIOT. Christian can’t handle it though – he’s like, “first you watch these women fight on TV and then you listen to these two guys mimic their fight!? I can’t listen to this.” But it’s like liquid gold in my ears. No shame.
PaleOMG Uncensored – I think Julie is hysterical and I was honored to actually be on her podcast earlier this year (you can listen here)! She is totally raw, honest and unfiltered, and I love listening to her discuss her dog, hilarious neighborhood situations and overall stories.
Casefile – I love these because they’re quick bites of true crime stories that usually have full circle endings.
Cold Case Files – Addicting with new stories for every episode. This is A&E’s podcast, so you know it’s going to be good.
True Crime Garage – Love these guys and how they have a beer of the week, discuss different popular true crime stories and always honor the victim.
Up & Vanished – I’ve never listened to a podcast like this before. It starts off sharing the story of missing woman in Georgia and then by the end of the podcast someone is arrested and charged with her murder. INSANITY, but also kind of amazing that by bringing up an old case and digging into it, it actually helped solve a murder mystery and give the victim and her family justice.
Dirty John: Mind-blowing that this entire story took place about 20 minutes from me in Orange County. A captivating story about a real relationship built on a nightmare.
S-Town: The sister podcast to Serial. Binged it when I was traveling and kept calling my sister because I couldn’t believe this story was less than an hour from where she lives in Alabama. Bananas!
Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations – Obsessed. Oprah is my Queen, and I love everything she does. Now that I can listen to her interview all kinds of people on my phone!? It’s like winning the lottery.
Dear Sugars – I heard about this podcast from Oprah’s podcast, and it’s amazing. It’s almost like a more polished Dear Abby, produced by the New York Times. One of the hosts is the author of the book Wild (you might remember the movie with Reese Witherspoon), and both hosts are incredibly wise with their thought-provoking replies to readers letters.
The Skinny Confidential: Him & Her Podcast – I love listening to Lauryn and Michael share their opinions on relationships and business. It’s always interesting hearing both a female and male perspective on marketing, branding and marriage.
Where Should We Begin – I recently started listening to this podcast when I heard it mentioned on another podcast. It’s almost like eavesdropping on a couples therapy session… except they know they’re being anonymously recorded for a podcast so you don’t have to feel guilty about it. Fascinating!
Women of the Hour – I love pretty much love everything Lena Dunham creates, so when I heard she had a podcast I was all in. She treats it almost like a show with seasons, but it’s a great listen.
Did I miss anything that you love? Tell me your favorite podcasts! And don’t forget to check out last year’s favorites here. Thank you so much for reading! XO –
I just started Up & Vanished and can’t wait to finish it. I’ve been loving My Favorite Murder this year. Have you ever listened to it? – Kristin | It’s Kristin
Yes! It’s on my 2016 podcast rec list here!
I love watching the cold case files show … such an interesting program. Lovely recommendations!
Love all of these
If you love Up and Vanished you’ll love Dirty John! Also, the producer of U&V is about to release their new podcast, Atlanta Monster… and it looks
Yes loved Dirty John! Can’t believe that took place in OC. And I’m totally subscribed to Atlanta Monster!
This is very helpful, I have been listening to podcasts and I love it! Thanks for sharing <3
“I love pretty much love everything Lena Dunham does”
did you love when she claimed to stand for women’s rights, then used her platform to tell a colleague that she was lying about her sexual assault because the accused was Lena’s friend?
did you love when she accused a black basketball player of not giving her the sexual attention she thought she deserved at the Met Gala, knowing that if the basketball player DID hit on her, she probably still would have turned him down and hopped on the #MeToo bandwagon?
did you love when Lena admitted to molesting her younger sister?
COME ON, find a better role model girl.
I didn’t say Lena Dunham was my role model, rather I LOVED GIRLS, I enjoy her podcast and find her interviews with other women an entertaining listen. Anyone who doesn’t feel this way definitely shouldn’t listen to her podcast. You do you, girl!
Yes! I love all of the Bravo podcasts! My hubby can’t get over that I watch the show, THEN listen to a recap of (what’s in his mind) junk, but I love it! Sincerely, Jennie
HAHA – Christian will never understand this. It hurts his ears – but I live for it!
I just started to get into podcasts so I’m glad you put out this list ! I just finished S-Town and was completely captivated by it!
OH YEAH I forgot that one. It was AMAZING!
The Morning Breath!!!! Girl with no Job – Claudia Oshry – and her sister Jackie Oshry shoot the shit for an hour every week day and it gets me and many other people through their work days. This is the funniest podcast in pop culture. One should only listen if they are light hearted to the millennial bias and honest opinions.
I listen to almost all of these same podcasts. You’d love Thr Bitch Bible. She is on hiatus for another week. But hilarious.
Thanks for the great recommendations Kathleen! I always want to listen to more podcasts!
I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
I’ve been loving Fat Mascara and Pop Fashion. Fat Mascara is hosted by two beauty editors and they talk all things beauty. Pop Fashion shares a round up of fashion industry news. Call Your Girlfriend is always a favorite too. Each of these are weekly shows and only about an hour each, which works perfectly for me.
Great list….I already love most of these podcasts and excited to check out the others that I don’t already listen to! Cheryl Strayed also has a book similar to the podcast called “Tiny Beautiful Things- Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar.” It is FANTASTIC- very moving, inspiring, and emotionally charged. Highly recommend if you haven’t read it!
Thank you so much for this recommendation!
Love those too! If you like PaleOMG, Balanced Bites is great for wellness, Build Your Tribe by Chalene Johnson for business development (she’s so spunky), and GIrlboss Radio from awesome women leaders in business.
I love this! Thanks so much for these recs –
Love these ! Although I have to listen to the true crime ones in broad daylight only haha. Have you tried This American Life?? Great stories on all kinds of topics.