fitness picks


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A month into quarantine, and I’m loving seeing so many inspired to move their bodies, get outside and go on walks.  Some are even take up new fitness hobbies like spin, yoga and meditation – you go!!

I have made it a priority to go on a walk with Hudson and Bailey or go down to our small basement “gym,” at least every other day.  I definitely notice that I tend to feel a little lighter on those days.  It takes my mind from worrying about the state of the world, illness and sadness and instead brings my mindset to a more positive place.  Endorphins are no joke, and a good sweat always feels like a step in the right direction.

With that being said, I end up wearing my workout clothes all day on those days, so I still try to look somewhat put together.  I always say I am an “outer order, inner calm” but that applies to my outward appearance also.  A clean ponytail or bun, correctly fitting outfit that is coordinated… it all contributes to my attitude!  Are you guys like that?

I love this pink top and matching leggings.  I would love to add this little stepper and resistance bands to the gym.  This theragun looks real, real nice, and this water bottle is honestly so incredibly true.  I recently got these leggings, matching bra and hoodie and I love the color.  I think olive really looks great on everyone.

Are you working out at home?  Do you have any YouTube workouts you’ve been loving?  I have some at-home workout favorites in this post, and go to this 10 minute Pilates workout often – it’s so good!

Thank you so much for reading! XO –


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5 thoughts on “Wednesday Wish List | Fitness

  1. Yes!! Love my peloton bike!! It’s actually been nice having some extra time at home with it

  2. My husband and I have been taking two 2-mile walks each day. We go for our morning walk when we would usually leave for work, it’s our new commute 🙂

    You should check out Fitness Blender on YouTube. I love their workout videos.

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