pink azaleas

– enjoying what feels like the five seconds the azaleas are blooming –

white snowball bush

– this snowball bush that is always next level this time of year –

snowball flower

– and clipping them to put all over the house –

small herb garden

– tending to my herb garden that is so vibrant lately and being used more and more –

sarah flint flats

– realizing that all I buy right now are flats, so they might as well be fancy like these

It’s the weekend!  No rain in sight, 70’s kind of weather, and I’m ready for it.

I’ll be honest, this week left me feeling a little bleh.  Work frustrations, house maintenance frustrations, parenting frustrations – it felt like a lot of the hurry-up-and-wait game that we all love so much.  I’m such a goal-oriented person that when I feel like I’m failing in more than one area, it’s hard for me to feel like my happy self.  It’s time I utilize some of these happiness hacks!  And reader submission happy hacks are here.

I’m hoping to spend time outside this weekend as that’s always a mood lifter.  I might need to make this creamy vodka pasta again because that was definitely a mood booster.  And I cleaned out my closet this weekend so that was a major win.

If you have any weekend mood boosters, I’d love to hear!  I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend and thank you so much for reading – XO –

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