– sharing our full townhouse tour on The Everygirl, more about this feature on CBL on Tuesday! –
– new shades c/o People by People –
– the fact that I am incapable of being normal in a photo booth (and that Golden Globes viewing party was really fun!) –
– surprise! an exciting mention in People StyleWatch (and thank you so much for all the sweet notes/comments on this – love you guys!), the outfit being worn can be found here –
– making a chess pie for my dessert-loving husband –
Second week back in the swing of things and I GUESS it’s not so bad being back in my regular routine… but I mean, not having to wake up to an alarm was real nice.
Also, I tend to eat more when I have more free time. Is anyone else like that? You would think when you have more free time, you can prepare healthier meals but instead I just dream of my next meal. I work in corporate retail, so the months leading up to holiday are busy. Very busy. Rather than gain weight during all the holiday indulging, I actually lost weight because I was too busy to stop for lunch. No worries, I made up for with all of the time off, so now it’s nice to be back in the grind because I have less time to dream of bbq, pasta, pizza and all things Mexican food.
On the note of food, I made this chili this week and it was the perfect January dinner. White bean & chicken chili was one of my favorite dishes at the Chi O house when I was in college, so it definitely hits home whenever I make a batch (I had to leave out the jalapeno because Christian is a weenie). Make it. You won’t regret it.
Last but not least, it was quite an exciting week spotting a mention in People StyleWatch and The Everygirl (I’ll be sharing more about this feature and some extra photos on Tuesday)! These are two fun little projects I’ve had in the works for a few months, so it was definitely a fun moment to share with everyone. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your feedback, encouragement and support about both of these surprises! I am so humbled and honored, honestly, I don’t even know what to say besides I’m sending out Internet hugs and high fives to all y’all!
Lastly, I also have to share some great BaubleBar sales going on right now:
- Take 15% off 2 items with code STASH15
- Take 25% off 3 items with code STASH25
- Take 30% off 4+ items with code STASH30
Have a beautiful weekend and don’t forget to enter the Nordstrom giveaway – XO –
We are in the process of buying a house here in Atlanta.
I will DEFINITELY incorporate some of your interior style in it!!!
And congrats on the People StyleWatch debut!!!
You weren’t just ‘in the box’.
You were the ‘star’ of the page
Candy that is so exciting – congrats to you! You have a lot going on this year! Thank you so much for your kind words – seriously your support is so meaningful to me. XOXO stay warm in ATL!
You have had such an incredible week with those features! So crazy proud of you, and you 100% deserve it!
And wait…you were a Chi O?! I was a Chi O at Mizzou!! That little fact makes me love ya even more sister
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Of COURSE we would both be Chi O’s. I love it – you’re fab, gf!! XO
Where did you get your painting in your living room?
Hi Jewel! My mom is actually an artist and painted this painting for us. I’m also a big fan of Hillary Butler Art (out of Memphis). XO
congrats on your everygirl + PSW features! what a fun week! and major THANKS for mentioning the baublebar sale. xx
Don came home from being in a hospital waiting room, and said, “I saw your friend Kathleen in a magazine. I can’t remember the name of the magazine, but it was a major one. Basically, I’m pretty sure she’s famous.” So very proud of you! Love to all (especially muh guh LulaLaShonda)!
Hope – this literally made me laugh out loud. SO NOT true but hilarious none the less! Give Don and those sweet babies (and sassy kitty) some big hugs for me. Love you guys!! XOXO
OMMMMGGG!!!! Congrats on the People StyleWatch mention…that’s so exciting. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it! xoxo
Kat never let go of your dreams !!! Remember when you wanted to be the next “katie Couric” ??? …. well your picture in People is what we call synchronicity…follow your passion ! xoxo
So true!! And I still want to be on the Today Show!!! Love you Lea XO –
Girl, your house is fab!!! I’m so happy for you! That feature was perfect! And people in the same week??? You’re on fire.
It’s my 15 seconds!! I’m just trying to soak it up!
Thank you so much for your support, honestly, it’s everything to me!! XOXO
Kathleen! I smiled (big) the whole way thru your EveryGirl feature. Your amazing personality shines so bright in all the interview responses. And People StyleWatch!!! I mean, obviously they know how to make their pages look great but you make that You Got It Right look drop dead gorgeous. Bravo!
Oh my gosh sweet cousin, you have no idea how much your kind words mean to me. I always hope that I am able to show my true colors in my writing and I am so appreciative that you felt they sounded like “me!” Love you lots – thank you for always being so amazingly supportive! XO
Where did you get the top from the people style watch photo
Hi there – you can see the full outfit post here: https://carriebradshawlied.com/2014/04/coral-and-cargo.html