Buying for the guys isn’t easy. In fact, for me, they’re the hardest people to shop for on my list – particularly Christian. He’s incredibly picky. His strategy is minimal and simple, always quality over quantity.
So when I heard him mentioning getting a new razor, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to get him the best razor I could find. Enter Braun’s Series 9 electric razor. One of the reasons I knew he would love this razor is that it shaves more hair in one stroke than any other razor. Therefore it leaves your skin softer, and the sonic technology creates a cushion that lets the shaver easily glide across the skin. It’s the créme de la créme of razors, so I knew my picky guy would love it.
He totally did! He immediately plugged it up to get it charged and was already using it the same day I gave it to him. It’s not often I hit the nail on the head for him, so it really felt like a holiday victory.
photos by Christian Barnes
Braun Series 9 razor | similar sweater here and here | leggings | slippers
You can read more about this specific razor here (I mean…read some of those reviews). The team at Braun have put so much thought into making this product the best of the best, and you can tell by all of the detail and information they openly share about it on their site. It literally has me thinking… do I need to steal this razor from him!?
Do you know what splurge gift you plan on giving your significant other this year? Spill it! Thanks so much for reading and sharing – XO –
brought to you by Braun
Wonderful gift idea for a guy … always a good idea. Joyeux Noel!
♥️ROSES FOR FRIDAYS ♥️ | by mia | A Creative Inspiration Lifestyle Blog
Probably video games because I’m dating at 28 year old child, LOL.
I also like to gift him new work shirts to go underneath his suits!
The Champagne Edit
You know, I would give anything to play some Mario Kart or that duck hunting game so I mean, some games are fun right? Work shirts are definitely a step in the right direction!
Love the gift idea!
It sucks I bought my husband one and he still says the thing doesn’t work like a good ole razor. I just wish he’d grow a beard, like not a big one, but something he can trim. Listening to him in the mornings is exhausting. lol But then again, I’m pmsing right now. That could be why I’m tired today:) lol