tee | jeans | earring set | throw pillows
I’m the kind of person who chose to get their ears double and then triple pierced when they were 30. Like, most people do this in high school, right? I guess you’re never too old to change it up. I wanted a double piercing in high school and my mom’s response was, “would Audrey Hepburn have her ears double pierced?” Interesting angle, but I’m no Audrey.
At Sundance last year I was at an after party and somehow ending up standing behind Maggie Gyllenhaal. She had her hair in a loose ponytail with all of these earrings in. And I thought – she’s an adult, wife and mom and still looks so rad. I forgot I had wanted multiple piercings, so I went for it!
Honestly I have no regrets and have loved the subtle edginess that multiple piercings bring. I’m too chicken to get a tattoo so this is all I’m brave enough to try!
I get a lot of questions about what earring combos I have or my tips for ear stacking. While I’m certainly no expert, I thought I’d share some of the earrings I have and my tips and picks for those of you with multiple ear piercings as well.
In the photo above I’m wearing these earrings on the same side and some huggies and studs on the opposite side. Because I knew after I got my ears pierced I would need to keep an earring in 24/7 for the first year (if I take it out for literally 24 hours it will start to grow back in), I splurged on some teeny tiny diamond studs that I wear pretty consistently in the third piercing. For the first two piercings I alternate between huggies and hoops. I think the key is keep the largest earring closest to your face and they should get progressively smaller as you work up.
And you don’t have to be matching on both sides! Some earrings are actually sold as singles, so have fun with it and mix and match. When you want to add an extra punch, add a few ear cuffs that don’t require a piercing or fake it with an ear crawler.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
Do you have multiple piercings or is it something you’ve thought about adding? I polled my Instagram girls and the majority wanted to know more about earrings combinations so I wanted to throw this post together, but there is also something so classic and chic about only having your ears pierced once. I love that too – it’s really just personal preference!
Thanks so much for reading and sharing – XO –
Lovely jewelry looks … love ♥️ the triple pierced!
♥️ROSES FOR FRIDAYS ♥️ | by mia | A Creative Inspiration Lifestyle Blog
I’d love to get more piercings on my ears, I love the look of a few minimalist piercings and when both ears are asymmetrical, I think it looks really cool. The only reason why I haven’t done it yet is for financial reasons, I’m super cheap (lol) and I don’t feel 100% sure that I won’t get tired of them and take them out eventually. But maybe one day I’ll do it, yours look so cool.
Marta – http://www.aroundcolours.com
I definitely think you want to be 100% sure, but if you are, I have had no regrets!
So funny that you mentioned you’re doing piercings at your age now instead of your 20. So funny, I thought the same thing for myself. I’m my mid 30s and got a second piercing and want to do more. lol. Love all your post btw
I think this is a more common thing than I realized!
I am SO GLAD you wrote this post! I’m 28 and got my second hole pierced about three months ago. I love it! Since then, I have been searching everywhere for small earrings. I’ve always been more of a statement earring gal but I now find myself loving the stack or small earrings. Anyway, thanks for this post! I will he gaining lots of inspo from it! Also, you’re really making me want to get my third done….eeeek.
I got my second at 17 and my third piercing this past January – at 39! I am with you – kind of edgy without being a scary tattoo.
Curious to know which small diamond studs you splurged on. Been looking for exactly that! Love this look
Sadly they’re no longer available online! It was about a year ago.
Thank you for letting me know!
Okay, I literally just told my husband a week ago I wanted to get my ears double and triple pierced! He was like “Okay.. Is this a mid life crisis?”.. I’m 27.
You inspired me to get my 3rd hole pierced and I am loving it! I did a Claire’s run just like you did and had a great experience – I am at the 4 week point so I can’t change out the earrings just yet but when I can I am getting all of these recommendations you have shown!