Several of you brought it to my attention that finding nursing-friendly clothes can be a challenge. So when I saw this green midi dress that is both maternity and nursing friendly, I thought it might come in handy throughout the upcoming months!
I am linking several similar style dresses below that are not maternity/nursing specific for those of you not in this wheelhouse. Know that I haven’t forgotten about all my girls who are not rocking a bump this fall and winter. I got you.
And if you don’t have a pair of python booties for this season – girl. Get onboard! I snagged these last year as well as a knee-high version from Zara that I had taken in at the calf in San Francisco. I had no idea that python boots and booties would be all over the interwebs this year! I’m so glad to see it. Along with leopard, they really act as such a neutral yet amp up any simple outfit. Chic!
photos by Viva Lux Photography
dress, also love this one and non-maternity versions here and here | booties, also love these | bag (sold out), also love this one and look for less here | sunglasses – under $15 | hoop earrings
Thanks so much for reading, and if you have any nursing-friendly favorites I’d love to hear! XO –
Hi! Just wanted to put this out here: don’t buy too many nursing stuff yet. For all you know, nursing won’t work out. I was set on breastfeeding my daughter and bought lots of nursing tops and bras, but in the end it didn’t work out for us so I had no use for those clothes. Especially if it’s your first baby, a lot of things might not go as planned, breastfeeding included. Just wanted to give you that little bit of advice
Thanks for this! I don’t have a ton, but the bras and a few pieces of clothing are kind of necessary if you plan on trying. We’re definitely going to see how it goes day by day! xo –
Oh yea! I forgot to mention, don’t get measured until 2-3 weeks before your due date b/c the sizing can change (aka get bigger). HA! But if you buy a few key pieces, then you can always amazon prime or ship next day for extras of what you need! I didn’t buy nursing specific clothes, only bras. I wear button down shirts or dresses. Wrap dresses work great too! Honestly you can make alot of regular clothes work for nursing, just not bras. Do what works best for you. That’s why there’s so many good options out there!
Love your outfit! I had such a hard time finding maternity wear that I liked and it looked good on me. For nursing bras, I bought a few Bravado and Cake bras, I think at Nordstrom. I probably should’ve stocked up on more but since I’m already half way at this point, I’m like it’ll do. HA! Definitely get a handful lounge ones for the house and then 1-2 nicer ones for going out, work, etc. SO excited that your sweet babe will be here soon!
You’re adorbs!! Love this color and look on you. You are such a beautiful mommy!
You look absolutely stunning in this post! Gorgeous!!!
Candy Rachelle
Keeping Up With Candy
Pregnancy suits you so well! You look incredible!
These boots!!! So good!!