– finally printing photos since Hudson entered the fam –
– grouping candles together on a little tray and wondering why I never did this before (Hollywood Hills candle + rose candle) –
– loving this view of this room from the foyer –
– a faux olive tree that proved to be a great buy (this is the 6ft) –
– still loving these black taper candles –
Happy Friday! I am still reeling from all of the incredibly moving feedback in Monday’s post. Truth be told, it was something that I had intended to keep private. But now that I’ve shared it, I know I was led to share it for a reason. I’ve now read over 500 personal experiences and stories on the topic, and what’s wild is that they’re all unique. The one thing they have in common is that mothers know what works best for their children and themselves. And that is always a wonderful reminder.
I made this recipe earlier this week and it was really good. It also heats up well! I didn’t get dibs since Christian ate most of it in two days… but when he eats all the leftovers that fast I consider it a compliment to the chef!
I am so excited that Bombshell is finally available for rent, I’ve been wanting to see it for months! I also recently started The Outsider on HBO per my parents recommendation and whoa. It stays with you. VERY spooky. And someone on Instagram told me that it was filmed thirty miles away from where I live, so we’ll see if I get any sleep this weekend. Why would I do this to myself!? SPOOKY.
I can’t go without mentioning The Real Housewives of NJ finale. I was glued to the TV, speechless. It felt like such a monumental moment after watching these families for so many years. I don’t want to reveal any spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet, but if you have – I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Thanks so much for reading and have a beautiful weekend – XO –
my FAV pic of Hudson so far!!! & a great reminder to get my favorites off my camera roll and into my house for all to enjoy
Really sorry about The Outsider recommendation. I told you about it before we were very deep into it and I apologize! NJ finale….”Youse” knows we will discuss the over the phone and in person. Can’t wait for the reunion – ours and theirs!
I love how you decorated your home! Where is the frame with the sweet picture of son from?
Thank you! I’ve had this frame for about 10 years… I’m not sure where it’s from but it’s just two pieces of glass and I had a matte made!
Love everything of course but especially the NJ finale mention.. ugh so good!! Can’t wait for the reunion!!
Bombshell did look great you’ll have to tell us how it is! The Outsider is filmed in the Atlanta area so yeah haha. The photo of Hudson is darling, I absolutely love how your home is styled.
Keri Elaine