trader joes for kids

It’s been a long time since I shared my usual go-to’s from Trader Joe’s here, so I wanted to revisit some of the items that consistently make it into my cart lately.  Let’s break it down –

trader joes hydrangeas

1 ) Flowers, specifically hydrangeas.  I almost always grab the white or green hydrangeas from the floral section.  At $6 for three large flowers, I can often get them to last over two weeks using these tips.

coconut barabc bar

2 & 3 ) Bars – lots of bars.  I love these bars not only for Hudson, but also for myself.  Some of the ones I always purchase are the ABC bars, peanuts & date, coconut chocolate & date and the pb&j bars.  I usually keep a few in Hudson’s diaper bag and some in my car.

applesauce pouch

4 )  Applesauce pouches.  We don’t do a lot of pouches, but these are so great for a little power snack.  If Hudson is grumpy because he’s hungry and it’s almost meal time, these will hold him over for another 20-30 minutes.

string cheese

5 )  String cheese.  I don’t know who eats more string cheese – myself or the child.  A string cheese is my power snack.  Easy to grab, not messy and not bad for you.

best cinnamon rolls

6 ) Jumbo cinnamon rolls.  Speaking of healthy, these are not.  Ha!  BUT they are delicious, and I’ve made them for guests before and been asked numerous times if they were homemade.  Similarly, we always have a few boxes of their frozen almond and chocolate croissants on hand.  We make them every Saturday morning!

pulled pork

7 ) Pre-packaged pulled pork.  I actually read about this from an article about Trader Joe’s toddler snacks.  I don’t buy a lot of pre-made food like this, but I can sneak English peas, green beans or steamed carrots into this and Hudson will woof it down.  We also use it to make bbq nachos that are so easy and SO good!

bagged edamame

8 ) Lightly salted edamame.  I usually keep at least two bags in my freezer because it’s a great snack, can be warmed in the microwave or air fryer quickly and it’s a healthy snack grab.

bagged chopped salad

9 ) Southwestern chopped salad.  I will have this for lunch at least once a week and will add chopped cucumber, bell peppers, fresh lime or lemon juice, almonds – anything I have.  Adding some fresh chopped veggies and citrus to it makes it taste like the entire salad is super fresh.  An easy “semi-homemade” hack.

trader joes tortellini

10 )  Cheese tortellini.  One of Christian’s favorite meals is tortellini with pesto and shredded chicken.  If I have time, I will add fresh parmesan, pine nuts and basil.  It’s hearty, easy to eat and something that I’ve usually managed to get toddlers to eat also.

If you have some classic items that always end up in your cart, I would love to hear!  You can find more food & drink recipes and picks in the “food & drink” category under “home” at the top of this site.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing – XO –

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11 thoughts on “10 Things in My Trader Joe’s Cart

  1. I love the TJ graphics! Coconut goes on a date is fun and that’s why we love TJ’s. Always a good experience shopping there.

  2. Love Trader Joe’s!! Would love to know what pesto you use with the tortellini..premade or do you make your own? If homemade would love the recipe! Thanks!

    1. I usually buy theirs that is by the pizza dough in the container with the black lid! I’ve made my own but I feel like TJ’s is so good why clean the food processor. You know?

  3. I LOVE their sparkling Peach Black Tea! It has replaced sodas for me! Very refreshing cold! I also keep their spinach dip on hand and their seasonal four cheese potato chips are . And their Vodka sauce?? I don’t even have to season it! I just cut up some Italian sausage and put it in there! Their boxed southwestern corn shower is so great to have on hand as well!

  4. Love TJs. That salad is a staple for me, too! Other favs: unexpected cheddar (omg), rosemary raisin crisps, French onion soup bites, salted almond butter, peanut butter pretzels, pretzel crisps, ice cream bon bons, restaurant style tortilla chips (addicted), and their chocolate chips are actually super delicious.

  5. You should buy tuna.It’s the best canned by far and cheap. I always get a bag or two of olive oil popcorn and bananas

  6. TJ’s frozen gyoza are so good and easy to whip up for dinner, and they have maybe 4 kinds to choose from. They’re easy to make: quick pan fry with olive oil to brown up their sides and then steam them with a bit of water. Yummmm. And their Brownie Crisp Coffee ice cream sandwiches are amazing. 160 calories for a really decadent, small ice cream sandwich that satisfies a sweet tooth easily.

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