A few months back I told my sister-in-law I would bring a pie for Thanksgiving. I have this problem of where I’m always wanting to try new recipes, which means that rather than opt for that tried-and-true dish that I know will be delicious, I take a risk on a new dish that may or may not be any good. I received this pie plate (and this loaf pan) that matches my everyday china from my in-laws recently, so I’ve been in full pie mode (Christian completely supports this)! All of this being said, I wanted to try a chocolate pie for the holidays and lo and behold I found this recipe for the chocolate pie from The Help!
You might remember this scene (of which Christian and I love to quote), but this recipe is quick, easy and absolutely delicious. I love that the recipe comes from Greenwood, Mississippi, where my grandmother lives and both of my parents grew up. Apparently they made over 50 pies for filming!
Fun fact: The home Bryce Dallas Howard’s character, “Hilly Holbrook,” lives in is actually my mom’s high school friend’s home and where my parents had their engagement party.
You need to make this pie. Not only because of the movie, but also because it’s delicious! Thanks for reading and don’t forget to enter the Lookbook Store giveaway – XO